Titan 11980 Hydraulic Cable Crimper
The Titan 5-ton Hydraulic Cable Crimper comes with crimping dies for 10 AWG. 8 AWG. 6 AWG. 4 AWG. 2 AWG. 1 AWG. 1/0 AWG and 2/0 AWG cables and creates strong. hexagonal crimps for a clean. efficient look for your projects.
Crimping Range: Cu: 4-70 mm^2 AWG# 11-2/0 Al: 8-50 mm^2 AWG# 8-1/0
Crimping Force: 45KN 10.116Lbf. Type: hexagon crimping
Stroke: 12mm 1/2in; Size: 310*57*96 mm 12.2*2.25*3.78in
5 ton crimping capacity
Standard setting: 4. 6. 8. 10. 16. 25. 35. 50. 70 mm^2 AWG# 12. 10. 8. 6. 4. 2. 1. 1/0. 2/0
Brand Name: Titan